April 30 – May 3, 2018*
Colorado Convention Center
Denver, CO
X-ES will be located in booth #3500
Find X-ES on the AUVSI 2018 floorplan
AUVSI’s XPONENTIAL 2018 is the largest, most comprehensive trade show for unmanned systems and robotics. It’s the spot to find visionary insight, make new connections and uncover next-generation ingenuity. XPONENTIAL features exclusive speakers, innovative programs and dynamic educational opportunities that inspire and strengthen the people who are shaping the future of our industry.
Join more than 8,500 industry leaders and forward-thinking users from both the defense and commercial sectors to learn the latest on policy, business use cases and technology applications. See all of the latest emerging technology, connect directly with suppliers and establish critical partnerships to advance your organization.
Visit the XPONENTIAL Show Website
*April 30 – May 3: Educational Program | May 1 – 3: Exhibits